New Favorite Blog: Sweet Juniper!

Ok, technically it's not my NEW favorite blog, because I've been following Sweet Juniper for some time now.  Averaging one post per month, it's a special and rare treat to see that little (1) unread post pop up on my google reader (oh the pain of loss, I can't believe google reader is going away!)  Originally from San Francisco, they moved to Detroit to raise their family and Jim stays home to raise their two children.  It's a fantasy that I have, to move back to Minnesota, buy a house in cash for 1/3 the cost of our house in Oakland and raise our little sugar bear near my family in the way I was raised.  On the lake, in the forest, hiking the hills, and spending my days unaware of crime and unknowing the term "recession." 

Today's post is about his son's broken arm, and the guilt you feel as a parent when something happens to your child ("I should have been there...")  I would argue that you feel that guilt when you hover, and when you don't.  It sometimes feels there's no winning in parenting.  I know personally I feel that way, and question my parenting skills all the time.  Am I giving her the freedom that she needs to grow and become independent?  Am I not protecting her?  I also appreciate his perspective on things slowing down and holding your child closer when they are not well.  We have spent a lot of time in our little family with a child that has chronic health problems, it's nice to be reminded they are only small and needy for such a very short period of time.  

Hold fast to that time, and know that you are doing your very best.  Follow Sweet Juniper for an inspiring perspective on life and parenting.

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